Halloween 3

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"Witchcraft enters the computer age, and a different terror begins." says the horror movie's slogan.

1982's "Halloween III: Season of the Witch" was not embraced by fans of Halloween and Halloween 2. Of course, this is due to the absence of the villain Myers.

Carpenter and Hill hoped that Halloween III: Season of the Witch would be the start of an anthology series. A new Halloween movie might be released annually around the holiday, each portraying a different narrative. It was a fantastic concept, and I wish they had had more time to develop it. It was not to be, unfortunately.

Dr. Daniel Challis, played by Tom Atkins, is a distinguished surgeon who finds a gruesome murder at a hospital a few days before Halloween. While still under his care, the elderly patient who arrived holding a Halloween mask is slain.

Dr. Challis and Ellie are taken to the Santa Mira headquarters of the Silver Shamrock, manufacturers of the most popular Halloween mask in the world. Silver Shamrock Company has sold millions of masks throughout the nation thanks to an extensive marketing effort that includes a jingle that will be hard to forget.

(To establish the stage for the Silver Shamrock plant, an old milk factory was used.)

They're also encouraging kids to watch a special Halloween night program that, if successful, would kill thousands, if not millions, of people. When Dr. Challis and Ellie investigate more, they learn that Conal Cochran (Dan O'Herlihy), the CEO of Silver Shamrock, is planning something.

Michael, Dr. Loomis, Laurie, or Haddonfield, Illinois are not associated with Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. The original Halloween play is just briefly seen on tv in the film. Despite its variations from the previous two films, Halloween III remains an entertaining film in its own way.

Even though it's not flawless (the connection to Stonehenge is a bit odd), it has some interesting scenes. The best part is a scene where Cochran tests out his sneaky plan on the family of Buddy Kupfer, a salesman who got a VIP tour of the plant based on how several masks he sold.

A television broadcast slated to run on Halloween night has Little Buddy (Brad Schacter) trapped in a tiny room and forced to watch. Things quickly Halloween 3 Season of the Witch movie review Decker Shado spiral out of control, and the subsequent carnage is something you'll never forget. A historical lesson on the origins of Halloween is provided by Conal Cochran in this episode.

Michael Myers appeared in Halloween IV and Halloween V: The Revenge of Michael Myers. I confess that I am a fan of the Halloween movies, which includes the movies that followed Halloween III: Season of the Witch and which all continued to follow Michael Myers' persona. However, I can't help but wonder whether John Carpenter and Debra Hill would have continued to write episodes if they had been permitted to carry out their original idea for the series.

Regarding movie fans' lack of appreciation for Halloween 3, I will not truly place the responsibility on them. I would instead focus the fault at whomever chose to add "3" to this film.

The fact that Halloween III: Season of the Witch was really a good movie for me makes it much more difficult to accept that John Carpenter's idea was a terrible wreck, despite the fact that its conclusion is drawing close.

In this film, Tommy Lee Wallace is the director.

Tom Atkins, Stacey Nelkin, and Dan O'Herlihy are starring in this movie as the main characters.

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